I've been absent for a long time. Sorry, laziness got the better of me. I'll try to fill in the big space of time steadily. For now? Fill In the Blanks Friday!
Something that is very near and dear to my heart is the wife. It's a friendship the likes of which I'm not used to. Actually, I'm not really used to friendship full stop. I know plenty of people, but none of them make enough effort to be called friends. more acquaintances, I think.
Contentment is good cause to celebrate.
The most fun I ever had was spending the weekend in newcastle with the wife. We went for chinese, and the Chinese waiter asked her if she was chinese (which she isn't, she's polish). And we celebrated one of her friend's birthdays, and I found her friends surprisingly easy to get along with.
True friends are people to whom you can tell anything, and who can do the same to you. People you trust completely, and communicate with openly. People who make the effort for you, and are there when you need them.
Something that makes me terribly happy is my job. Weird, I know, but looking after B and BB brings me much joy!
A good way to spend a sunny day is to go for a walk. preferably with friends, but on your own can be lovely too.
My favourite celebratory food is truffles. Especially homemade ones. After a meal that someone else has cooked!
So that's my incredibly short post for today! I promise, I will catch things up! Oh, and I went for a nice walk today. It gave me time to think and talk things over with God. Very helpful! And peace restoring.
Love love xx
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