Monday, 16 September 2013

Placement and a place to sleep - well, if you're a mouse like Hunca Munca!

Today, I had my first day back at placement - it was amazing! The mum is lovely and so similar to me: she sews for a living, and loves baking and cooking. we're planning to make plum jam and yoghurt together, and she's got some sewing for me to do.

Tonight I've been sewing on my friend's machine. More specifically, I've been sewing mattresses. Tiny mattresses for the princess in the Princess and the Pea. It's for college. we have to do a story sack (a book in a bag with objects which are relevant to the story) and that's the story I chose. I have this version of the story - I was very fussy when choosing! And I realised that it wasn't the easiest story to find objects for. So I'm sewing a lot of mini mattresses. this is my first one:

I'm rather chuffed! It's dinky and oh-so-sweet!

 Check out that corner sewing! My mamma showed me how to do those when I was home over Summer, and you can see it's come in useful!

Plus, check out how well the stripes ended up matching! Completely coincidental, I didn't do it intentionally at all, but I'm very very pleased with it.

I'm also pretty chuffed with how it turned out because I designed the pattern myself, all out of my own head. I spent the day pondering ho to make the shape, figured that out, then decided dimensions as I went. And here are the distractions for you!

You will need:

a piece of fabric 9"x6" (any fabric will do)
a sewing machine
toy stuffing

All seam allowances are 1/2".

Fold your fabric in half, right sides together and sew along the short sides, and across to the middle of the long side leaving a small gap in the very centre of the long side:

Take each corner, so...

And pull the fabric out to flatten it this way:

Then take a grid ruler and measure about 1/2 " down your seam line:

Check the sides are equal - the distance from the seam line to each edge should be 1/2", the same on both sides:

Draw a line to mark, and pin the corners:

Sew along the line:

Repeat for other 3 corners:

Turn right way out:


Close up hole:


yes, alright, I'm very proud of designing the pattern for this myself! You end up with a soft mattress about 4"x3"x1". if you make lots of them, you can stack them up like I'm going to for the story of The Princess and the Pea. Yes, I'll show you a photo of the finished pile!

That's all for now!

Love love xx

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